Yes. Over time, your residual limb will shrink. Following surgery, the shape of your residual limb will be bulbous, but it gradually should shrink down to a conical shape.

The most common methods used today to reduce the swelling of a residual limb are ace bandages and stump shrinkers. An ace bandage is wrapped in a Figure of 8 wraps and can be a very effective way to control swelling and encourage shrinkage when applied properly. Approximately two weeks after surgery, once the sutures are removed, a stump shrinker may be used to reduce swelling. A stump shrinker is an elastic sock that is sized to fit your residual limb.

Yes. Your residual limb will continue to change throughout your life as your body ages and gains and loses weight.

Prosthetic socks are worn over the residual limb within a prosthesis to help maintain the best and most comfortable fit possible. Since your residual limb will experience changes, prosthetic socks, which come in different materials and thicknesses, must be worn to help adjust the fit of your socket. To find the right fit, you can add or remove socks or wear socks of varying thickness.

You could be adjusting your socks several times a day, but it all depends on the fluid changes in your leg. When there are fluid changes in the leg, you will either need to add or subtract the sock or change the thickness of the sock. Fluid changes are caused by excess heat in summer weather, non-wrapping of the leg during the night, letting the leg hang down without the artificial leg on, and extreme changes in your normal amount of daily activity. In general, socks should be changed every day or when they become moist with perspiration.

Your cotton and nylon socks can be machine washed and dried. Wool socks should be hand washed in a mild detergent, re-shaped, and air-dried.

You should check your residual limb every day for skin changes, including blisters, redness, soreness, swelling, pai006E, or drainage. If you notice any of these types of skin changes, call your Prosthetist immediately. Do not continue to wear your prostheses until your Prosthetist evaluates the situation.

A myoelectric arm is one of the most advanced technologies in upper extremity prosthetics. Myoelectric involves using electronic sensors to detect nerve impulses that stimulate a muscle in the residual limb. These impulses are converted into an electrical current, amplified, and transferred into a motor in the prosthesis. The motor then activates the hand or arm.

If you need to get up from lying down, first get on your side and use your arms to help push your body to a sitting or standing position. When picking things up off the floor, bend at your hips and knees instead of at your waist. Choose a firm or hard chair over a soft low chair. You will be more comfortable sitting in a firm chair. While driving a car, you may want to place a firm cushion under you for extra support and comfort.

While wearing a brace, you must take very good care of your skin to prevent skin breakdown. Some signs of skin breakdown include sore, red, raw skin, and blistered areas. If you are experiencing skin breakdown, call your Orthotist or physician immediately. To avoid having skin breakdown, you should do the following: Take a bath or shower daily. Clean and toughen your skin by applying rubbing alcohol at your waistline and where the edges and the pads of your brace touch your skin. After your skin has dried, apply cornstarch to the same areas. This will help absorb the skin's moisture. Do not use creams, lotions, or bandaids under your brace. They can cause a rash or skin breakdown.

It will depend upon your age, employment situation, private insurance, and other factors. If you are insured privately or through your employer, you'll have to check your specific policy. If you are eligible for Medicare, most of your expenses for your device will be covered. We will be happy to assist you by verifying your coverage with your insurance provider.

Yes. Here at Limbcare, we realize that every need and situation is different.